Emergency fund

Emergency fund

When all available resources have been exhausted, our workers know that they can still rely on a last-resort hope – the emergency fund.
The emergency fund is a last-resort resource that workers can turn to when they have explored all other options. They are well informed about all the existing resources and programs, but sometimes situations fall through the cracks and leave people helpless.

Here are some examples encountered over the past few years:

  • A mother expecting indemnities from the SAAQ finds herself temporarily unable to afford diapers for her infant;
  • A young adult who has been living in foster care until the age of majority and now needs funds to move out and buy groceries for the first time;
  • A teenage girl who cannot afford dental expenses to replace her broken teeth;
  • A person who is isolated, with no support network and no organizational skills, and needs help to thoroughly clean their home.

The Vitae Foundation is here to address basic needs, not luxuries. It extends a helping hand that benefits people’s health, self-esteem, and well-being.

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