Who knows when we or one of our loved ones will need a helping hand and require the services provided by Sherbrooke’s CLSCs or residential centres. This is why your support is so important. It is thanks to your generosity that we can carry out our mission. Your contribution, in whatever form, is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use!
Your donations help improve the care, services, and living environments offered to
Thanks to your donations, children from underprivileged environments and their families can rely on the services of two social pediatrics units as well as field intervention teams. Families are not left to fend for themselves, as workers team up to provide them with help and support to ensure the well-being of the children within our community.
When all available resources have been exhausted, thanks to your donations, our workers know that they can still rely on a last-resort hope – the Vitae Foundation emergency fund.
Your support for research is indispensable. Research is instrumental in advancing the knowledge and practices of the professionals working in our institutions to meet our needs, day after day.
Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of people in our community.
Thank you!
Online donations
You can donate to the Vitae Foundation online by clicking the button.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your great generosity!
In memoriam donations
By making an in memoriam donation, you are paying a respectful tribute to your departed loved one through a meaningful gesture while showing your gratitude to the workers who accompanied them in their final journey. Thank you so much!
In honour donations
Celebrate a special occasion by making a donation in honour of a friend, colleague, or loved one. Donations made to honour someone are an excellent way to express your gratitude and contribute to the well-being of Sherbrooke residents.
Planned donations
Donations that involve financial, tax, or estate planning
Planned donations deliver long-lasting, tangible benefits. These donations enable us to access the long-term funding required to deliver services that are essential to maintaining and improving our community’s quality of life.
Major donations
Major donations demonstrate firm support and belief in our institution and a desire to make a real difference to the well-being of people in our community.
Source deductions
Source deductions are a simple way to make donations and keep track of contributions since the total amount of donations can be found on pay statements and credit card or bank account statements.